Do you want to be a Freemason?

Do you want to be a Freemason? 

Progress Lodge 4584 is one the fastest growing lodges across the Wirral and Cheshire. Just last year we had over 6 new candidates who were balloted in open lodge.

And we continue to receive many enquires through our website of people interested in joining us. (If that is you, please do get in touch). 

We are a nice and welcoming bunch and you will be given all the support you need to start in your masonic journey. Contact us for an informal chat face-to-face after work.

The best way to learn about Freemasonry is not through the internet, newspapers or wikipedia; the best way to learn and find out more it is to ask directly a true and proper freemason. Yes, We are open!

Drop us a line, get in touch and we will answer you in no time!